Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Asking For and Giving Opinions

Asking Opinion is  to ask other people's opinions on an issue.
 Giving Opinion is to express an opinion on a matter or issue.     

A.   Asking for Opinion

 Formal :
  • ·         Have you got any comments on …..
  • ·         Do you have any idea?
  • ·         Do you have any opinion on ……
  • ·         Would you give me your opinion on……….?
  • ·         What is your reaction to ….
  • ·         What is your opinion about……….?
  • ·         What are you feeling about………….?
  • ·         What are your views on……….?
  • ·         Please give me your frank opinion ?

  • ·         What do you think of…….?
  • ·         What do you think about………?
  • ·         What is your opinion?
  • ·         Why do they behave like that?
  • ·         Do you think it’s going?
  • ·         How do you like?
  • ·         How was the trip?
  • ·         How do you think of Rina’s idea ?

B.  Giving Opinion

  • ·         I think I like it.
  • ·         I don’t think I care for it.
  • ·         I think it’s good/nice/terrific……..
  • ·         I think that awful/not nice/terrible…………
  • ·         I don’t think much of it.
  • ·         I think that……..
  • ·         In my opinion, I would rather……….

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